
RWA.IO's development timeline is structured to demonstrate a clear trajectory from conceptualization to the anticipated rollouts of new features, reflecting both the achievements and strategic future plans:


Q1: Ideation and Concept Development

Q2: Research and Technical Feasibility Study

Q3: Market Mapping, Data Ingestion and Initial Blockchain Prototyping

Q4: Custom AI Training and MVP Launch with Limited User Testing


Q1: Alpha Version of Insights Platform Release with Extended Features and User Testing

Q2: RWA Chain Deployed on Testnet and Beta Insights Platform Launch

Q3: Launchpad and DEX Development. Integration of Additional Asset Classes and Enhancement of User Interfaces

Q4: RWA Chain Public Release, Fully Operational Insights Platform, Implementation of Cross-Chain Functionality to Enhance Interoperability


Q1: Intelligence Beta Platform Release, Initial APIs and SDK Release Q2: Infrastructure and Investment Platform Beta Release Q3: Enhancement of Features and User Interfaces Q4: Fully Functional Platform With Insights, Intelligence, Integrations, Investments and Infrastructure Sections

Feature Rollouts

In the upcoming phases, RWA.IO is set to introduce several significant features aimed at enhancing platform functionality and user experience:

  • Advanced Analytics Dashboard: Deployment of a comprehensive analytics dashboard that will allow users to track the performance of their tokenized assets in real-time.

  • AI-Driven Insights: Integration of artificial intelligence to provide predictive analytics and insights, helping users make informed investment decisions.

  • Mobile Application Launch: Development and launch of a mobile app to provide users access to the platform's features on-the-go.

Last updated